Individual Therapy for Young Adults

When I grow up, I’m going to…

Handling your 20s is much harder than you thought.

That newfound freedom wore off quickly.

Finances, jobs, familial pressure – it’s all overwhelming. You’ve tried to manage, but it’s all become too much to bear.

The transition hasn’t gone smoothly.

The overwhelming amount of social media and pressure is unlike anything your parents ever had to face when they were growing up.

It has become hard to manage your friendships, continue to have fun, all while going to work every day.

Thoughts of your “future” create a disconnection.

You dream of your future, getting married, being successful – but nothing seems to be going your way.

Stressed. Frustrated. Disappointed. Confused. You don’t “feel” like an adult.

Why not? When does that actually happen?

So many uncertainties. No clear pathway to where you thought you’d already be at this point in your life.

It’s hard to motivate yourself to get out of bed in the morning or want to be with your friends on the weekends.

They all have it together. Their successes – what they’re into – it’s plastered all over their social media. It’s all they talk about when you’re together. What have you got to show?

But you’re not alone.

Things are changing, and they can be extremely difficult to manage.

With therapy, you can learn to control your thoughts – to help yourself feel better.

I will support you in learning to listen to your own voice, even when the one on Facebook is much louder. We will work collaboratively to create the goals you have for yourself and the life you envision.

Therapy will help you learn to reframe your thoughts, accept your feelings, and work toward living a fuller, happier life.

It’s not an easy ride, and there are ups and downs. But I will be with you throughout the journey.

I’ve been there.

As a young therapist, I know from first-hand experience how our lives are different from those of our parents when they were in their 20s. They try to give you their opinions, and it never seems to help. Trust me, I get it.

I will support you in this journey, to help you rebuild those connections you’ve lost, to regain some motivation, and to listen to your struggle.

Get in control of your life…

Don’t let those “younger” years pass you by. Call me today at (954) 591-8441.